Category: Valentine’s Day Gifts

Give Her Purity For Valentine’s Day

Another Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and men are busy trying to determine the best gift to give to the special women in their lives. The array of ways to show you care is endless: jewelry, chocolates, flowers, brief getaway, cards, dinner, etc. The holiday serves as a wonderful way to celebrate how much we love our partner.  pair-167267_640

But then comes the day after Valentine’s Day.

That’s the day when all of the hoopla is just a memory. We will fall back into our routines and busyness. And many men will fall back into their lust for pornography.

Perhaps they had given it up for a day to focus on their wife or girlfriend. But now it’s the day after Valentine’s Day and time to return to the ugly habit that dishonors and objectifies women. It’s time once again to engage in selfishness that will break hearts if they should discover what takes place behind closed doors.

Maybe instead of a traditional gift this year, you should give your loved one a gift that demonstrates how much you respect her as woman. Commit to beginning the process of working on treating your addiction and removing it from your marriage or relationship. Honor the special woman in our life – which includes your daughter(s) – by taking that brave step of admitting you have a problem and doing something about it.

This Valentine’s Day give her the commitment of bringing purity back into your relationship. If you don’t know how to go about that visit and read what is involved in the process.

This year give her a Valentine’s Day gift that will change yours lives forever. Give her a gift that will make the day after Valentine’s Day the start of something beautiful and meaningful in your relationship.   

Eddie Capparucci, MA, LPC is a licensed Christian counselor with a private practice in Marietta, GA. Feel free to re-post and share this article. You can read more of his thoughts at his blogs: